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A love letter to being 20

This my friends is a love letter to being in your twenties. To finding things and places and people. To love and loss. To relationships, but not the kind you might think.

Being twenty is a funny but a wonderful age is what I’ve found so far. You’re on the cusp of something more and something bigger, or so it feels, but also still a child in many ways. I see the years before me full of opportunity and wonder. What will I do, who will I be with; jobs, friendships, love, desire there’s a lot of questions. There’s also no way of knowing the answers which is what makes this period exciting.

I wonder who I will become, do my actions and choices now impact this down the line. Think of the butterfly effect; a ripple of a wing can create an earthquake. Can I mirror this within the fabric of my own life?

I’m learning it’s about the people I’m with. The fun and love and life you find in the every day and the ordinary, not the major. It’s not about the money, but that makes things easier. It’s not about the excess but being cosy. I want to be surrounded by people I value, and they value me. And vice a versa.

Being 20 everyone is at different stages. Some marriage, babies, careers; contrast this to those restarting and rebuilding. You can easily feel like you’re behind and you’re not worthy. You are not successful because others are doing more and or better than you.

But maybe it’s not comparing your worth and success to others, but to what you value and what you want to aspire to. Celebrating their success does not diminish your goals. Right now I want to finish my degree with a good grade, and feel happy within. I want to start intergrating healthy habits into my life but not in the chaotic way I usually approach things. I want to be fully present. To take less photos. Enjoy moments more and embrace hobbies. Move my body for joy. I want to live and love. Here’s to twenty, and the many forms it comes in.