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Lost thoughts: being a new person

Whilst watching everything I know about love, the idea of trying to be a new person each time a door closes perfectly struck a chord. That harmony is within my soul. I do that. Whether it is deliberately or not, I don’t know. But I seek new habits and new changes when I can’t deal with the old routine any more.

Within us all, there is a degree of trying to reinvent ourselves. We find solutions to old problems not in a bottle, but in new hair, change of outfit, higher heels, edgier trainers, meditation, mindfulness, art, retail therapy, running from our problems or getting stronger to tackle them. We let people slip from our lives like butter in a hot pan, a natural and inevitable reaction when time has run its course. We seek new relationships, friendships and connections through apps or person. Thus this prose, there is no logic or structure to our decisions. As people who run on impulse and instinct, twenty somethings don’t have to justify changes in lifestyle or patterns. We are not having a midlife crisis, we are finding ourselves through reinvention.